Use HTML5 On Your Website
Detect HTML5 usage If you want to see that a website is using HTML5 elements or not, you only need to view the source of the website. If the source code starts with the following declaration. <!DOCTYPE HTML> Then, website was marked up with HTML5. By using the HTML5 DocType, you can let the browser…

Create Custom Google +1 Button
Social network by internet giant is “Google+” getting popular exponentially and of course they already have a huge customer database and all they have to do is to promote this new product among them.However people know the fact that Google+ is very special kind of social network with very unique features.   In parallel to…

PHP Recursion and recursive routines
Recursion and recursive routines is a bit more complicated, it can be defined as a regular function that calls itself.   Learning when and how to apply recursion is probably a lot more difficult than just learning what recursion is? and being able to explain recursion effectively in an interview situation is even more difficult… (20 comments)