Definition of .htaccess Regex Characters & htaccess regular expression special characters   # The # instructs the server to ignore the line. It is used for including comments. Each line of comments requires its own #. When including comments, it is good practice to use only letters, numbers, dashes, and underscores. This will help eliminate/avoid…

jQuery Star Rating System This is jQuery plugin for star rating systems.The code below is modified of original script to make it simpler for you to develop a star rating in your application.   Check the demo below hover and click events on stars to change there state   Find the complete package of Simple Star Rating… (1 comment)

get_magic_quotes_gpc() There is a PHP feature or function called as magic quotes that was created to help protect newbie programmers from writing bad form processing code. Magic quotes will automatically escape risky form data that might be used for SQL Injection with a backslash \.   The characters escaped by PHP magic quotes includes :…

ionCube PHP Encoder is an utility from, It protect software written in PHP programming language from being viewed, changed, and run on unlicensed computers.   The tools use the technique of compiling to byte code prior to encoding so that source code is eliminated, and runtime overheads are reduced.A PHP extension called the ionCube Loader handles the reading…