Remove WordPress version number from the head section and RSS feeds & also from version parameter in JS and CSS files
Remove WordPress version number from the head section and RSS feeds & also from version parameter in JS and CSS files   By default WordPress adds a Meta tag in the headers which displays the current using WordPress version number. This version number is added just for tracking the site on WordPress, it is not…

PHP Recursion and recursive routines
Recursion and recursive routines is a bit more complicated, it can be defined as a regular function that calls itself.   Learning when and how to apply recursion is probably a lot more difficult than just learning what recursion is? and being able to explain recursion effectively in an interview situation is even more difficult… (20 comments)

Display Recent Blog Posts Outside WordPress
Generally web master uses the WordPress for applying blog on their website.   Below is the code for the getting recent/latest post or list, can be applied to display recent posts outside anywhere in your WordPress website.   The key to use WordPress outside is include the wp-load.php file Once the wp-load.php file is included, the entire wealth of WordPress functions… (3 comments)