How to achieve and use Polymorphism in PHP
Polymorphism – the concept   Polymorphism is a Greek word that means “many forms”. In object-oriented programming, polymorphism is a mechanism by which objects of different types can process data through a single interface. Using a typical illustrative example, a program might define a type of object called Animal, containing a function called talk() and,… (6 comments)

Display Recent Blog Posts Outside WordPress
Generally web master uses the WordPress for applying blog on their website.   Below is the code for the getting recent/latest post or list, can be applied to display recent posts outside anywhere in your WordPress website.   The key to use WordPress outside is include the wp-load.php file Once the wp-load.php file is included, the entire wealth of WordPress functions… (3 comments)

Most useful 5 htaccess tricks every webmaster should know
Most useful 5 htaccess tricks every webmaster should know 1) Redirect your website visitors while you update or test your website order deny,allow deny from all allow from ErrorDocument 403 /showpage.html <Files showpage.html> allow from all </Files> Replace with your IP address. Also replace showpage.html with the name of the page you want… (4 comments)