Difference between Abstract class and Interface PHP   An abstract class is a class that provides some functionality and leaves the remaining functionality for its child class to implement. The child class must provide the functionality not provided by the abstract class (parent) or else the child class also becomes abstract.   To define a…

A Quick view on difference between PHP4 and PHP5 PHP5 has improvements in design, security, and stability as compared to PHP4, there are so many features of OOP added in PHP5 to make it more powerful and useful. If you want more details just go to http://www.php.net and find changes in php.   Object Model/Passed…

What is the difference between this and self in PHP OOP?   PHP classes can have static functions and static variables.Declaring class methods or properties as static make them accessible without needing an instance of the class or an object.   Static functions and variables in classes are not associated with any object, but associated…

OOPS Concept: Introducing Classes in php   You all know that Classes are the most important part of OOP.   A class is simply a template or blueprint that contains the various attributes and functions of an object of the class. Class is mainly composed of three things :  name, attributes, and operations.We can also…

PHP: Access control modifiers   One of the fundamental principles in OOP(Object Oriented Programming) is ‘encapsulation‘. The idea is that you create cleaner and better code, if you restrict access to the data structures (properties) and methods in your objects.   The access modifier is the most important feature of the OOP language and it…